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Showing posts from January 28, 2018

India joins Ashgabat Agreement

India has joined Ashgabat Agreement on the establishment of an International Transport and Transit Corridor between the Iran, Oman, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan . The agreement was established in April 2011, which envisages facilitation of transit and transportation of goods between Central Asia and the Persian Gulf. The  Ashgabat agreement  is a Multimodal transport agreement between Oman, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Pakistan. *$Make your PSC question$* from this current affair🚩 Post your questions in the Comment box below🖋

Super Blue blood Moon

HIGHLIGHTS The super blue blood moon combines blue moon, super moon & lunar eclipse It will be visible from Asia (including India), North America, Australia The last super blue blood moon was seen in 1982 First  super blue blood moon  in 35 years: NASA is calling it a lunar trifecta: the first  super blue blood moon  since 1982. That combination won't happen again until 2028. src=""> A  Blue Moon  combined with a Supermoon (when the  Moon is at its closest point to Earth and appears to be 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than normal) the rare phenomena is called a  Super Blue Blood Moon happens